Contact Us

You can contact me for following reasons:

1. Suggestion: If you have a suggestion you want to give me about my content, about the layout of the blog, about speed of the blog or any suggestion regarding my writing style, then you may contact me.

2. Query: If you have found an article related to your query or the menu specifies a category related to your query then you may contact me if you can't find the answer of your query on my blog.

3. Removal of Content: I specifically use my own images, I write the content of this blog myself with other references. But if you think that I have used your content and you want me to remove your content or give you credit for the content, then you can contact me on such occasion. Please read the DMCA of carefully before applying for removal of content.

4. Broken Links or Content Error: If you find any broken links and you want me to fix them as soon as possible then prefer contacting me. Basically I write my blogs at night, so there might be some broken links or errors which goes unnoticed by me. So, if you come across any error in grammar or any broken link then please contact me.

Don't contact me for following reasons:

1. To spam: Do not contact me if you just want to spam. I am a student so most of my time is utilized for my studies. I don't have the leeway to spend my time on reading spam messages.

2. To ask for download links: The download links that are already available on internet are already provided on the blog. So, if the link goes against privacy policy of the owner, then I am not going to provide the links in blog or in email and social media platforms either.

3. To Ask Personal Question: I have already provided information about me in about us page of blog. And I can not provide more information about myself. So asking about personal questions in contact is a big no.

Links for Contacting me: